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Let's Talk: Staying Consistent

Before the end of the year I always make a list of goals that I want to achieve throughout the new year. If I'm being completely honest with myself, and to my amazing readers, I will say some of the goals on this list have been repeats. Those things that I added to this years list, again, are things that I genuinely want to work on. So I thought maybe I need to change my approach in how I'm going about being successful with my goals. Success in goals means consistency in trying to attain what I want to accomplish.

Consistency - conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

I would consider myself a pretty consistent person, in many different aspects of my life. I believe that I had to really test myself on being consistent with working towards my goals daily. One goal that is on my list this year is reading. I like to read, just depends on what that reading is, like articles, magazines, quick news stories, things like that. I also have found that I love learning about others and their life journey. So I typically go for a biography of someone that I am following or anything that peaks my interest while in the target book section. I wanted to challenge myself to read more books, learn about others and their lives, lessons they learned, etc. So far it's going amazing, I am currently reading "Incomparable" by Nikki & Brie Bella AKA The Bella Twins.

I am also challenging myself to read more devotional books this year, I find that this practice helps feed me spiritually. I have been very consistent with my devotion time, but I am nearing the end of my book, so I was in search of a new one. Since we are in the season of Lent for all my people of faith, I just started a brand new devo. It's called "40 Days of Intentional Living" and so far it has exceeded my expectations. It calls you to read scripture in your bible, read the devotion, and then apply that devotion to your life. I am so happy with how amazing and RAW this journey of consistency within this devotion time has been for me.

My overall health is something that I have wanted to get together for a while now. Not just losing weight, but eating right, getting exercise, going to the doctor regularly. Health and the gift of life was something that we as a collective saw the importance of last year. Although we didn't know anything about COVID-19, nor could we personally prevent it when it finally hit the U.S. Seeing many people lose their life, and their loved ones, just made me want to be more aware. Aware of my surroundings, aware of my health, and the health of those around me, such as my family and friends. What I'm consuming and putting into my body daily, also not consuming too much of one thing.

My journey has not been easy so far, as we are entering the third month of the year. However, I keep pushing myself, because although its extra work, I am working and becoming a better version of myself. Due to the fact that I have been consistent with healthier eating options and exercise, I feel great. I have more energy, I feel that my headspace entering my day is different. I also have been keeping a journal, which is helpful to the process and I can't wait to read through it once I feel ready to be done.

Not only have I been pushing consistency to change and maintain my health, but also with postings. I love blogging, which is why I started up Talks With Tay again. However, I would be lying if I said maintaining this space/platform is easy. As a creative, I am in charge of every single thing I post. Most times when people think of influencers, bloggers, social media gurus, they think they got it all together. Being full creative director & producer for all of my content can get exhausting. Especially when you have other things going on outside of your creative work space. Now, don't take this as me complaining, I love everything about blogging and being my own boss, when it comes to this. However, creator burnout is real and it sucks when you're in the thick of it.

I see this has been the case for other creatives as well. Please know that I along with other creatives, come up with their own content ideas, we create them ourselves, and then we produce/edit all of our own content. On top of making sure to stay active on all of our social media platforms daily. Its tough because while that doesn't sound like a lot, whew baby, IT'S A LOT!! For a while I was confused and wondering how and why? How am I experiencing this burnout already? Why am I experiencing a burnout? I just finished school, so this is the most perfect time for me to do what I want, due to the flexibility of my schedule.

I had amazing intentions with my blog at the start of this year, and while I feel its really going well in my opinion, there's always room for improvement. I've had my periods where I felt not creative, tired, wanting to avoid social media COMPLETELY. For me personally, when I'm feeling like this, I want to escape social media, all my creator apps, etc. For my blog I may be able to control that but, it isn't always the case for my other job(s). Working fully with social media, I have learned that OFF days/weeks are needed.

So please know, that if you ever see I haven't posted on my blog or instagram in a while, its because I'm taking a much needed break. I love being super transparent about things I experience in my life. In hopes to make this a safe space for others who are experiencing the same things to talk or read along.

Until Next Time,



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