Over a year ago my world turned completely upside down. The only person I could turn to was God. My entire life I’ve always been a believer and I would consider myself a person of faith. Not until I went to college, did I get to know and understand God and His word better.
I love going to church, being in the presence of God and around other believers is so important to me. My faith grew stronger as I found a church home in Nashville during my time in college. I gained friends who’s faith was WAY stronger than my own. I would say before the pandemic my relationship with God was awesome. I had a decent prayer life, I did my daily devotions, tithed (which is a topic I’ll dive deeper into in another post), and watched / went to church regularly. I even worked in a church setting which contributed to my faith journey immensely.
When the pandemic hit, my life completely turned upside down in EVERY aspect. I hit rock bottom. I never felt so down and alone. I experienced so much hurt and pain, but nothing like this. My relationship with God shifted in the most beautiful way, but of course under bad circumstances. Instead of allowing life’s circumstances to get me and turn me away from Him. I leaned on God, He was my friend, my protector, my healer, the list honestly could go on. I think God wanted me to see Him work in a different light than what I was accustom to. I’ve had challenges that I’ve prayed about, but nothing that ever shook me to my core like this.
During the toughest season of my life I still knew God was in control. And let me tell y’all, I was a HOT MESS. I was dealing with so much at once, the weight of the world was on my back. I honestly didn’t know how things would turn around. I would cry and cry every night, praying that God would take my pain away and turn my situation around.
Have you been in a place like this? Are you battling something heavy right now & feel like there’s no way out? Let me share with you how God is ready to help you.
While I was in turmoil for a LONG time, God indeed turned things around. BUT it was the consistency in prayer, fasting, and devotion got me through my tough times. Spending time alone with God, where you just talk to Him is so important. Prayer is so important, but it’s not complex, simply tell God what’s on your heart. Sometimes it comes in the form of an actual prayer and other times it’s being raw and blunt.
It’s always easy for others to tell you how to heal or how to move forward from hard situations. However, no one really breaks down the process of moving forward from those situations. My process was tough, it was hard and painful. I had really good days, that would be followed by some really bad days. Throughout my time of turmoil I often questioned God asking Him when this horrible season of my life would end.
Here are some scriptures that helped me through my tough time.
Psalm 17:6-8 : “I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By your mighty power you rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as you would guard your own eyes. Hid me in the shadow of your wings.”
Matthew 11:28-29 : “Then Jesus said, come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Hebrews 5:7 : “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
Jeremiah 29:11 : “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.”
I used to feel so bad for questioning God. How can I question someone who created me and knew that I would be in this position. After talking with one of my good friends who I always turn to for advice about my faith and my walk with God. She assured me that God doesn’t mind us questioning things that happen in our lives. God wants to hear from us, He wants to hear what’s pains us, what makes us happy, the desires of our hearts and more.
See, here’s the thing, this way of getting to know God better, understanding His word and what it’s really saying is hard. Applying His word to your life and healing from the things that you need to is hard, but it’s NOT impossible. Nothing in this life comes easy, especially the inner work of healing and becoming a better you. All while getting to know who God truly is. In this process of coming to know God and His word on your own, find what works best for you. Different ways to talk with God, how you study/ memorize scripture, how you interact with other people of faith, etc. There is no right or wrong way to do this, as long as you’re being itentional about your relationship with Him.
I love hearing about others Faith journey, even when I didn’t have one of my own. It always gave me hope to grow my relationship when I heard about how God was moving in others life. I hope this post can be a light in someone’s life. I pray for all of you who will read this post, no matter where you are in life, or where you’re at in your faith journey. I want to let you know I’m praying for you and I hope this post gives you a glimpse into how good God has been to me. Because with God ANYTHING is possible.
I am in a much better space today than I was a year ago. I’ve grown so much as an individual and within my faith. I thank God daily for how far He has brought me. I rejoice so much because only God and some of my family knows how low I was feeling. Whatever you may be going through just know, this too shall pass!
Below is a small list of worship songs that got me through on good days, bad days, and everything in between. Gospel music really can shift your spirits!
Break Every Chain - Tasha Cobbs Leonard
Moving Forward - Israel Houghton
Testimony - Anthony Brown
More Than Anything - Lamar Campbell
Awesome - Charles Jenkins
Made A Way - Travis Greene
God of Revival - Bethel Music
Praise Is What I Do - Shekinah Glory
Love Theory - Kirk Franklin
No Matter How Long It Takes - Cross Point Music, Cheryl Stark
IF you want to know more about my faith journey, if you have questions about God or need/want prayer, etc. DM me or send me a message on my website! I would be happy to connect with you.